Sunday, January 22, 2006


My most favorite thing to experience is sitting in a car listening to music in the background while it's raining all around. I was able to enjoy this driving up to Sacramento. We stopped, and sat. I sit in my car watching the raindrops cascade down the windshield. They are racing. Are they trying to prove something, how quick they are, how eager they are to be seeped back into the soil, how alive they are? I would be content watching this for hours.

The sky shows many emotions. It looks angry at some spots, it looks in turmoil, it also looks like it's giving hope, because at certain spots the clouds part. Through the hole that's created, a stream of sun peers through. That stream would not have been visible without the clouds. They act like a team working to bring joys to those who stop to see. I'm thankful my eyes are open today.

Observing the sky creates multiple emotions in me: sorrow, joy, life, destruction, anger, beauty, Feeling alive. I love being from Minnesota and watching people from California get so disturbed when the temperature reaches 45 degrees. It's funny to me. In the same way, weather can bring identity. I feel pride when thinking of what I have endured. The sub-zero temps, the snowstorms, and the added clothing that comes with the winter months. It's especially funny to see people become discombobulated when their hair gets wet. Ha. I love how it makes people slow down and crates an excuse for my hair to look matted and untamed.

It brings so much life to a dry land. I love listening to it pit pat on my ceiling when lying in bed. Especially at my aunt and uncle Leighton's where I would sleep in their attic; I remember one night vividly. I was laying in bed listening to the drumming of the raindrops on the angled ceiling above. I found myself so content and exhilarated eavesdropping on natures tears, when in the distance, a train rumbled past causing even more of a vibration and a new rhythm to the percussion of the drops. My heart jumped in the band creating a three-piece musical ensemble. It's easy to tune out the sounds rain creates, but when I listen, it's breathtaking.

I like to sit in my car when raining is because I feel safe. Don't get me wrong, jumping in puddles and running in the rain is exhilarating, but I have this hidden desire to feel comfort. Sometimes my feeling of adventure overtakes my need for comfort. I like those moments. They seemed to be more prevalent when I was younger. Rain meant that dirt turned into mud, and mud was the best ingredient to make pies. It also meant when I was at my grandparents' cabin, we would put the fruity tablecloth on the kitchen table and get out the playing cards. Something warm to drink would brew on the stove, and we'd play games till the moon was bright. I loved rainy days. I now love them for new reasons.

Rain brings new smells. The earthworms come to the surface and cause this fishy odor. Even though it smells gross, it reminds me of life. This is the perfect time to go fishing.

It stopped raining. It's such a strange and fascinating occurrence to see rain fall in the distance but not experience it. It's like getting off of the baseball field and sitting in the cheap seats. Seeing all the interworkings of the game without experiencing it. I appreciate both aspects.

drip. . .
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Blogger Steven Marx said...

what a contrast--from one of the world's most rigorous climates to this place which seems like the golden age. But we are missing the sweet uses of adversity.

8:18 AM  

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